Сообщения пользователя: Victoria

Тема: Nuclear missile , Artifacts, Entity | 6 Мая 2016 07:47:06
Сообщение #152
Several things were updated:

Nuclear missile
With the destruction of a nuclear bunker from which nuclear missiles were launched, they get off course and in 50% of cases they fly to a random planet of a finite coordinates, and in other 50% of cases, they fly on a random planet of starting coordinates. Thus we increase the responsibility of player who launching a nuclear missile: you built a dangerous weapon, try to protect it.

Transportation of artifacts was recently changed. Therefore, we increased the chance of finding artifacts by a certain percentage.

It can fly vertically (through the arms) again, also entity consumes vespene 10 times more. Due to this the time spending on this flight was increased by 10 times.
Тема: New paragraph in the rules about liability of moderators | 5 Мая 2016 14:13:38
Сообщение #151
A new paragraph was added to the rules of the project.

4.12 Penalties (bans) received by the player from the administration or its representatives, not subject to appeal, except by the Supreme Council’s with the support of one of its members, which must start a discussion, posting a topic in the relevant forum section.
Тема: Introducing of 2 new officers and reducing of imbalanced | 4 Мая 2016 09:26:00
Сообщение #150
The bonus production of the first planets in arms has been reduced from 50% to 25%.
The production of Planetary rippers was reduced by 20%.

It was made to overcome imbalanced high production on some planets.

We introduced 2 new officers: Paranoid for terrans and xerjs with a starting price 3 Hydarian crystals and Psionicist for tosses with a starting price 5 Hydarian crystals.
They are needed to increase the percentage of recovery of the fleet after the battle.
Тема: More pirates and Stealth fighter | 4 Мая 2016 09:23:20
Сообщение #149
Now you can find pirate stations in in thirtieth arms also, not only in twenties and their quantity were doubled. The density of pirate stations increased in 1.5 times.

The quantities of pirates on coordinates were doubled too. 

The percentage of deviation of Stealth fighter has been reduced to 10.
Тема: The new interface for everybody | 28 Апреля 2016 13:25:03
Сообщение #148
Today we are pleased to introduce the new interface of the game - "Modern".

It was made for a pleasant playing on any modern device - PC, tablet or smartphone.

The new interface can "adapt" to the current resolution of your device's screen, without losing functionality:

For those who are not very fond of dark skins, we are preparing a lighter version

Further, we plan to submit skins for xerjs and tosses:

You can switch to the new interface through the Options

Some elements of the interface are new, if something somewhere will not work properly, please report about it in the Bugs section of the forum.
And your suggestions for improvement of the interface you can post in New ideas.

P.S .: The interface is in the process of constant changes, so do not be surprised if something changes (color, shape, position of blocks, etc.).
Тема: Changes in the bestiary | 25 Апреля 2016 13:59:47
Сообщение #147
We established in bestiary more liberal pricing for placing lots. It was made for reducing the commissions and giving more freedom in pricing for players. 
Now you can sell resources in one-and-a-half times more expensive or cheaper without increasing the commission and the fleet in twice as much. 

The old rates were 1.25 and 1.5. 

For example, now you can earn on a construction of a rare fleet by selling it twice as much than construction costs without paying an increased commission.
Сообщение #146
We present 3 new technologies for the repair of the fleet, by 1 for each race.

Alarm systems for terrans

Tanatonavigation for xerjs

Psionic lighthouse for tosses

Technologies are not the same, but their sense is similar: to increase the% of the fleet which can be repaired after the battle.
Сообщение #145
Previously, if the fleet was set off to an expedition with the speed, for example 10%, return of the fleet was with the 100% speed after the manual cancellation of orders; when you achieved the expedition.

It was a bug and now it is fixed. Now the manual return from the expedition will be at the same speed at which the fleet was sent to the expedition.

Тема: Update of main page | 21 Апреля 2016 13:47:09
Сообщение #144
As you noticed the main page have changed its look. Today, it is officially put into operation :)

We tried to make it more comfortable. Modern technologies applied in the design and layout let you use it on any device easily.

With proper support of your browser, you can watch a 3D scene with the planet. In the near future all the planets will be modeled and presented in the game in such a way.

Also, in-game statistics gained a more finished look. And we present to you - visual information graphics instead of imperceptible tables :)
Тема: The debris from crashed fleet were decreased to 25% | 18 Апреля 2016 11:01:07
Сообщение #143
Due to the introduction of fleet repair in October 2015, we reduced the number of debris from crashed fleet from 30% to 25%.
Тема: New functionality of insectoid entity | 14 Апреля 2016 16:42:38
Сообщение #142
Now insectoid entity can fly between galaxies starting from the 3rd level.
Time for traveling between galaxies is the same as between the systems, but there are differences in vespene consumption - for flights between arms you will need vespene 10 times more.
The rest time for insectoid entity or the cost of flights between the systems had not changed.
Please pay attention to the functionality of ‘gliding’ of the entity which, in the search for free space: as before, let can be lost, if it stops at 10th  coordinate, but plus to this, we added " going beyond the borders of the galaxy". The borders considered as:
  - Galaxy is less than 1
  - The system is less than 1
  - The system which more than 999

The "gliding" to the other galaxy now can simply destroy your entity, so use a flight between galaxies with the entity of not less than 3rd  levels.
The lower border of the world does not exist (unlimited number of galaxies).

For example: you fly from a 1: 1: 3 to 1: 1: 1, but after sending, one bad man occupies a finite coordinate,  entity gliding to the next coordinate, but because this coordinate is 1: 1: 0, your gliding will go beyond the borders of the world and the entity will be destroyed.

Тема: The distance between the arms was reduced by 2 times | 13 Апреля 2016 12:19:24
Сообщение #141
For increasing the number of targets and reducing expenses, the distance between  arms in the galaxy was reduced by 2 times: from 2000 to 1000.

Тема: Notification of the distribution of the alliance taxes | 12 Апреля 2016 13:31:38
Сообщение #140
We would like to present a new development that helps all participants of the alliance to find out how the head of the alliance distribute taxes of the alliance.
If the head or the authorized decide not to send taxes (0%) or the recipients are not listed, you will get the message

In other situation you will receive a message with another structure

We want to remind you that taxes are distributed every week in the night from Saturday to Sunday at 5:00am server time.
Тема: Robot in Expedition? | 12 Апреля 2016 07:24:21
Сообщение #139
This robot is a defensive unit.
Тема: Transportation of artifacts | 11 Апреля 2016 16:50:40
Сообщение #138
Principles of transportation of artifacts from expedition were changed.
Now, the removal of artifacts from another planet is possible only with the help of the units, which have the ability to carry them.
You couldn’t remove an artifact by any unit from the expedition too.  If you have the situation with its acquisition, you will receive a message with explanation.

The artifacts couldn’t locate in the fleet, which have not any special unit.  If this happens, they immediately destroyed (eg.  after sending of part of the fleet from coordinates, or after the fight).
Just recently we fixed an issue where the presence of an artifact in the fleet caused a draw in a fight, and now this will not happen.

The change is aimed at unification of transportation of artifacts.
List of units, which can carry artifacts: Juggernaut, Gigalord, Carrier and Investigator.
Тема: The number of pirate stations was increased by 2.5 times | 6 Апреля 2016 09:34:10
Сообщение #137
The number of pirate stations, points 2000 and 20,000, was increased by 2.5 times.
60 instead of 24 and 30 instead of 12.
Their zone of appearance is 20 sleeves.
Тема: The occupation by the attack | 5 Апреля 2016 12:07:29
Сообщение #136
I would like to inform you, that today, approximately at 13:00 15:00 (server time), there will be changes in the "occupation" mission.

The main change is a mandatory attack of the planet, which the player wants to occupy.

Now you can loot resources immediately after the fight, when the fleet will take coordinates automatically.
Тема: Production of mines was reduced | 5 Апреля 2016 08:19:54
Сообщение #135

The production of metal mine, mineral mine, vespene refinery, incubator and rectification tunnel was reduced by about 20%.

Maximum number of mining units (recyclers, providers, distillers) on asteroids was reduced by 20%.

Тема: banished protoss has scourge | 4 Апреля 2016 10:48:12
Сообщение #134
Scourges can be located on the pirate stations.
Тема: Pirates | 1 Апреля 2016 09:25:02
Сообщение #133
The size of the fleets of free pirates on coordinates (without stations) was reduced by about 40%,
but the quantity of pirates was increased by 90%.

That is, the pirates have become smaller, but the number of pirates was increased.