Production shifted from planets to asteroids, debris amount reduced, With toss rework

Репутация -187
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8231
Planet production for humans and xerjs was reduced as was announced:
- Metal Well: base from 8 to 7
- Landslide: base metal from 1000 to 900, base minerals from 500 to 450
- Metal Hole: base from 32 to 28
- Mineral Hole: base from 16 to 14
- Vespene Hole: base from 8 to 7

Maximum amount of workers on asteroids was increased:
- Recycler: from 20 * (field count) ^ 0.85 / 200 to 25 * (field count) ^ 0.85 / 250
- Provider: from 80 * (field count) ^ 0.85 / 800 to 100 * (field count) ^ 0.85 / 1000
- Distiller: from 40 * (field count) ^ 0.85 / 400 to 50 * (field count) ^ 0.85 / 500

Toss production has undergone a major rework. All toss players are advised to check the Production page and set droid effectiveness according to new energy production capabilities.

Red Nexus:
- produces 10 * lvl. ^ 1.9 metal (instead of 10 * lvl. ^ 1.4)
- supplies 45 * lvl. * 1.16 ^ lvl. energy (instead of 45 * lvl. * 1.155)
- covers 5 * 1.45 ^ lvl. Red Droids (instead of (60 * lvl.) ^ 1.25)

Blue Nexus:
- produces 6 * lvl. ^ 1.9 minerals (instead of 8 * lvl. ^ 1.4)
- supplies 45 * lvl. * 1.16 ^ lvl. energy (instead of 45 * lvl. * 1.155)
- covers 5 * 1.45 ^ lvl. Blue Droids (instead of (40 * lvl.) ^ 1.25)

Green Nexus:
- produces 3 * lvl. ^ 1.9 * (1.28 - 0.002 * T) Vespene (instead of 2 * lvl. ^ 1.4 * (1.28 - 0.002 * T))
- supplies 45 * lvl. * 1.16 ^ lvl. energy (instead of 45 * lvl. * 1.155)
- covers 5 * 1.45 ^ lvl. Green Droid (instead of (25 * lvl.) ^ 1.25)

- supplies 95 * lvl. * 1.18 ^ lvl. energy (instead of 95 * lvl. * 1.155 ^ lvl.)

Phase Reflector:
- increases production of Red and Blue Droids by 1.2 times per level (instead of 1.28 times)
- increases their energy consumption by 1.4 times per level (instead of 1.28 times)

- increases production of Green Droid by 1.14 times per level (instead of 1.2 times)
- increases their energy consumption by 1.25 times per level (instead of 1.2 times)

Energy Focusing:
- bonus to Pylon's energy generation is increased from 2% to 10%

Red Droids:
- produce 25 * amount ^ 0.34 metal (instead of amount ^ 0.7)
- require 6 * amount ^ 0.4 energy (instead of amount ^ 0.8)

Blue Droids:
- produce 14 * amount ^ 0.33 minerals (instead of amount ^ 0.65)
- require 10 * amount ^ 0.4 energy (instead of 2 * amount ^ 0.8)

Green Droid:
- produce 7 * (1.07 - 0.0005 * T) * amount ^ 0.33 Vespene (instead of (1.07 - 0.0005 * T) * amount ^ 0.6)
- require 18 * amount ^ 0.4 energy (instead of 4 * amount ^ 0.8)

- now cannot attack
- now excluded from amortization expenses as a pure production unit
- fixed a bug with their info showing debris collection speed (even though they can't collect it)
- now don't produce energy
- new ability: reduce energy requirements from defense structures by (1 + amount / 5000) times [only works for toss players]

Energy requirements for the following types was increased:
- Dark Pylon: from 1 to 2
- Gravitation Distorter: from 2 to 4
- Obelisk: from 50 to 200
- Shield Crystal: from 1 to 40

The amount of debris dropped from ships destroyed in battle reduced from 25% to 20%.

Updated 02.09.2021:
Base production of toss ship Planetary Ripper reduced by 20%, bonuses for its production from toss buildings are increased: x1.033 for each level of Phase Reflector (instead of x1.01), x1.024 for each level of Assimilator (instead of x1.01).
19 Августа 2021 19:32:15
19 Августа 2021 19:32:15
Группа guest
Thank you very much, long time we dreamed this news!!!
19 Августа 2021 19:52:33
19 Августа 2021 19:52:33
Группа guest
makes it to hard for noobs
19 Августа 2021 22:42:30
19 Августа 2021 22:42:30
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 685 160 Сообщений 757
makes it very more harder for bigger Player....

since I have 2 accounts - a small and a large one, I can see it exactly ... yes it will be more difficult for small ones ... but even harder for larger ones ....
In principle, this is the typical changes that burden us all the time .. increasing costs and reducing earnings - until it no longer works at all ...
20 Августа 2021 04:40:07
20 Августа 2021 04:40:07
Группа guest
Harder for big player. ??? THATS why asteroids produce more ?
Thats why BIG toss have double production and small toss have less ?
Again you are naive. I think you should spy TRESH later .
To see his production.
20 Августа 2021 22:11:37
20 Августа 2021 22:11:37
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 685 160 Сообщений 757
TRESH is a player who apparently has a lot of money ... he invests so much money per week that the two of us don't earn in hard work a month together ... the production of resources there is insignificant compared to what he gave with money. .. so it is of no interest how much more money he has spent and thus had more loss-making transactions through purchases than the mines and the flight brought him in resources ... that has not been the value of what he paid for a long time ..... This is the first point. ..

I currently have 18 asteroids - in the alliance center - some very large asteroids - supported by up to 100 planetoids and level 18-19 alliance stations ... together they don't produce nearly as much as the mines of one of my Planets... the The reduction in mines and the increase resulted in a loss of resources of still a good 10% for me ... the problem is that you cannot station an infinite number of recyclers on the asteroids - and the astrogeologist does not do more than the normal geologist ... It is a fact ..... In addition, the pirate aggro is so high that I hardly fly any more and only have fleet costs that are of no use to me ..... I can't play like TRESH and just buy through on unprofitable, big things Fields of rubble set up .....
so the result is ... in my case it is quite a bit of loss - mostly gas loss ...
besides, I could seldom move the entire fleet anyway - and would only use it in an emergency ... and as you can see, my fleet is not extremely large in relation to my own size ..... it just happens that if you are 10 times bigger, you are far from producing 10 times as much - and I know, the production on Aster is limited and even costs small amounts of gas ...
I also don't see any point in increasing the mines any further, besides, I don't even know how I could pay for the next construction stages and live with 15% exhaustion which I cannot do anything about - because it is simply not possible to obtain the resources .... Yes, I still have a few OPS stations with gravity cannons level 7 and supported by a few officers (1400 firepower each) - to lay other stations and OPS stations in ruins ... but that still takes a long time to run out of resources there are - longer than the costs literally eat up my account ... the game is hardly playable for me!

everything sounds great what I have developed, but a further development due to the shitty increase in value is already hardly or not at all feasible ... besides, I'm a player who can't invest a single cent in the game ... I can still do one Build little little things, but that's about it ...
and even if I were to reinvest money in further development, it would only cost more afterwards - just increase in value ...

As far as the sale of the fleet and resources is concerned, this has long since become useless in my opinion due to the fall in the price, because the officers in the next levels also became more expensive and so expensive that they could neither with my entire monthly wage nor with the sale of all my belongings.... The inflation in the dendrarium is a catastrophe, caused by the change (increase in price) in the barter of gas / resources .... so I have not bought a new officer this year - it was no longer possible for me ..... I am thus in stagnation and just try to exist somehow for no reason with the hope that none of the top fighters will kill me with their credit cards ...

I am therefore sure that my reality is much harder than yours due to the constant cost increases and income reductions ... and not only I feel like this - 95% of the top 100 feel like drowning in the sea and just hope that they are not eaten by a shark and see no land far and wide that they could save .....
on the other hand, with my small, second 600-K-light account, I can still fly halfway, despite the gas reduction ... fly once less - is still only a loss of income of 20% - and 80% of the remaining profit remains ... is also not a lot what the gross profit is - through gross profit 100-150 million resources that are sold .. I sell 100% of them and therefore do not specifically increase my small account in order to remain mobile and to be able to adapt changes better with officers ... it is still possible - a little more difficult, but it is still possible .. and it flies with scouts .... the mines are of no interest to the small account because it is used more as a fleet account .... everything actually takes over Flight - metal / mineral and even gas to be able to continue flying ..... but that also takes a lot of time, which I don't have every day .... I leave the 2nd account small - fewer problems ... not without problems due to changes, but less, actually less ..... at least not making a loss compared to my large account ....

sorry for a lot of mistakes and I don't know if you understood all ... I used google-translator because my English is very rusty and I don't want to study English here, but just want to spend a little free time flying. .... in addition, you have to look for destinations for a long time for each flight ....and no, I'm not afraid to admit that in public, unlike my other top 100 colleagues .... who still want to appear like kings to the outside world and in reality are all just bums ...

du kannst dir sicher sein, dass keiner so ehrlich zu dir sein wird, wie ich es gerade bin.... der Grund ist die Spielsucht die mit Geld finanziert wird und womit die Verluste mit Scham ausgeglichen werden von sehr großen Spielern + Zukäufe für Weiterentwicklung, die sie selbst kaum noch bezahlen können..... hab kein bock noch mal google zu benutzen..... jeder will als schlauer Held in diesem Spiel sich darstellen, und keiner will als Verlierer sich präsentieren..... und jammern tun immer die kleineren, die bei weiten nicht die gleichen Probleme durch die Änderungen haben, und noch relativ gut spielen können..... so ist die Wahrheit.....
21 Августа 2021 03:53:11
21 Августа 2021 03:53:11
Репутация 8
Группа toss Альянс Heroic Hegemony 52 76 62 Очков 1 432 906 Сообщений 1
Hello all, dos any 1 know if we need 20% more fleet now to make moon as they dropped debris fall out from 25% to 20% ??
21 Августа 2021 14:14:33
21 Августа 2021 14:14:33
Репутация 3
Группа humans Альянс DragonTalz 95 37 59 Очков 3 293 280 Сообщений 24
If debris from player battles has dropped to 20%, then yes you'd need more.
21 Августа 2021 21:58:39
21 Августа 2021 21:58:39
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 685 160 Сообщений 757
you need 25 % more fleet...... in case the same amount of debris still counts for a 25% chance ... you never know what they are changing secretly ... they always make some of the changes secretly ... I'll make a new list for lunar experiments soon anyway ... maybe it'll work out tonight ...
test it with x 1,25 ... and see battelreport

it's just annoying that something is constantly being changed ... even if you could still build, the question is still what will be changed next ... now you are building mines because you have enough energy today and tomorrow you have too little energy, because something has been changed again ... and that is what costs the big player a lot more resources than a small player - to adapt to the change ... the costs incurred are the worst problem ...

And that's exactly why these bums make these changes, because they know that there are enough gambling addicts who spend more money than necessary - in order to To be a top fighter, or a top developer ... A handful can pay for it, all other big players are fucked up .... the mine expansion including bonus expansion + officer purchase to adapt to this change I now have at around 15 Billions of resources, of all things, what it would cost me to readjust the situation ... in addition, it is not sure whether the constant will stay with energy or because something will be changed again soon and new costs will arise ...

how it can work? if the pirate aggro has already become too high to hunt profitably ... as a big player you need a lot of gas for raids against players of the same rank , who have more defense than small players -- there aren't as many of them as there are smaller ones ... and all green inactive players can no longer be visited are to refuel some gas .. where should the resources come from? Credit card does not work - so shit .....
22 Августа 2021 00:12:55
22 Августа 2021 00:12:55
Репутация 3
Группа humans Альянс DragonTalz 95 37 59 Очков 3 293 280 Сообщений 24
Two things about the recent changes:

All pirate hunting fleets are now going out at 40% speed to compensate for the changes to the amount of pirates that spawn and the amount of debris collected, so how about an option to set the default speed to whatever percentage we want? It's annoying to have to change the speed for every single flight out.

Also, the recent changes to the Toss droids has made it necessary to get rid of a lot of them, but there is no way to do that. How about a fleet trader like the Humans have or an option to delete some of them at least?
24 Августа 2021 03:22:13
24 Августа 2021 03:22:13
Репутация 26
Группа toss Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 49 105 316 Очков 3 783 671 Сообщений 373
just sell them in the dendrarium .... There are players who buy everything - and not everyone owns asteroids and could therefore currently have a need for droids .....

the use of the fleet dealer is absolutely not worthwhile - it is often better to scrap the fleet for lunar experiments ...... Unfortunately it's different with droids - you know that ... sell them in the dendrarium ;-)
24 Августа 2021 06:05:45
24 Августа 2021 06:05:45
Репутация -187
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8231
Цитата: Frankie
Also, the recent changes to the Toss droids has made it necessary to get rid of a lot of them, but there is no way to do that. How about a fleet trader like the Humans have or an option to delete some of them at least?

If you could write more detailed feedback about that, I would appreciate it, since one of the goals for the rework was to incentivize building more Droids, not less.
But anyway, you can regulate the amount of active droids on Production page by changing activity percentage.
24 Августа 2021 11:13:22
24 Августа 2021 11:13:22
Репутация 3
Группа humans Альянс DragonTalz 95 37 59 Очков 3 293 280 Сообщений 24
_KIM_, thanks. I didn't consider that anyone would want them but they sold right away on the market.

UncleanOne, if you wanted more droids built why did you cut the amount the nexuses would hide so drastically? I had to sell about 90% of the droids on the one planet to get to where they were all hidden again. Also, yes you can cut power to the droids but they are still a target sitting there unprotected. Last thing: you cut planetary production by 10%, which is the bonus that paying for Premium is, so you need to add 10% more production to the Premium bonus. Otherwise, I will be cancelling that and I hope everyone else does too. It's just not cool to steal from your paying customers. Edit: dropping the monthly subscription price by 10% would also work.
24 Августа 2021 18:36:32
24 Августа 2021 18:36:32
Репутация 26
Группа toss Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 49 105 316 Очков 3 783 671 Сообщений 373
you welcome ... you don't have to worry about a few droids that are unprotected .... the destruction of the droids results in 0 debris - so it is of no interest ..... of course, there are beginners who do not know - and so a light defense is enough .....
24 Августа 2021 18:49:08
24 Августа 2021 18:49:08
Репутация -187
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8231
Цитата: Frankie
if you wanted more droids built why did you cut the amount the nexuses would hide so drastically?

No other race have truly safe production, except on early game stages, and since toss do not have energy producers (like Solar Satellites/Overlords) that could be destroyed to hinder their production, “risky” strategy for toss is uncovered droids.

Before the change there were no incentives to go big on droids, since the energy was harshly limited and nexus capacity was pretty hard to extend, so many toss players (even in top-100) were sitting with only a few thousands of droids. On the other hand, starting nexus capacity was inordinate: a building which costs ~10 gas was covering more than a hundred of droids (costing ~800 gas each). That is why nexus capacity was reworked to start from lower values but grow faster. If your toss got hit by that, I suspect it is in the early stages of development, so it would actually benefit more from nexuses themselves, than the droids. Nexus innate production was increased to help toss players in that early stage. And the droids should come useful later, they are kind of “mid-game” option now.

There's also still a “safe” strategy, where one keeps droid count low and invest more in support buildings (Reflector/Assimilator), but it results in less production for the same investment, for the virtue of being safe.

Цитата: Frankie
Also, yes you can cut power to the droids but they are still a target sitting there unprotected.

If that's your concern: it's unfortunate that you got caught in the “transitional state”, but you can invest in defenses to deter attackers (since droids don't give debris, they are not an appealing target anyway), or continue selling them to players who can utilize them more efficiently.

Цитата: Frankie
Last thing: you cut planetary production by 10%, which is the bonus that paying for Premium is, so you need to add 10% more production to the Premium bonus. Otherwise, I will be cancelling that and I hope everyone else does too. It's just not cool to steal from your paying customers. Edit: dropping the monthly subscription price by 10% would also work.

This is a strange request. The whole premise of Premium is to give a small edge over non-Premium players of your level, or allow one to compete with more developed non-Premium players by covering a gap in infrastructure size. If everyone lost the same share of their production, that edge Premium is supposed to give is not affected: you're still producing a same percentage more than your non-Premium neighbor with same mines (10% or so, adjusted for continuity and the fact that it additive with other bonuses, not multiplicative; but these aren't affected either). I don't see anything being “stolen” here.
Even if you're interested in absolute values only and don't care about other players, these absolute values of bonuses haven't dropped that much: 10% of 10% is 1%, which will be given to you back in a month via Premium continuity. Also, Premium gives many other bonuses besides production, so I'd guess its cost can't be lowered judging only by production change.

Ultimately, I don't think administration will change Premium bonuses. And it's always your decision whether you want to pay for them or not. I agree that sudden changes do not convince players to spend more money, but I'm not the one who has access to or influence over the financial parts of this game.
24 Августа 2021 21:31:23
24 Августа 2021 21:31:23
Репутация 3
Группа toss Альянс DragonTalz 60 26 96 Очков 5 647 900 Сообщений 13
Thank you for taking the time to explain your reasoning. I don't really care about Toss production values. My Toss production is all dedicated to fleet amortization and I now have a hefty surplus thanks to these changes. I do, however, care about leaving targets exposed for predators. Toss droids give experience when killed, which is what players fight players for mostly anyway, so having 90% of your droids exposed is not good. Also, Overlords are covered by FAS, so not subject to risk. You are correct that Terran solar satellites are at risk, but most Terrans invest in Solar Plants and Vespine Reactors to mitigate the danger.

About the Premium request: I don't understand what is strange about it. I paid real money in a legal transaction to gain 10% planetary production bonus and midway through my paid month you took that bonus away (without offering a refund). That's the very definition of theft. I really don't care about production values, or about the advantage it gives me over non-paying clients; I just want what I paid money for.

Edit: This is my Toss account, Frankie is my Terran
24 Августа 2021 22:19:22
24 Августа 2021 22:19:22
Репутация -187
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8231
Цитата: Dragoneye
I paid real money in a legal transaction to gain 10% planetary production bonus and midway through my paid month you took that bonus away

You're still getting 10% of bonus production over base values, those 10% weren't taken away from you (unless there's a bug somewhere).
You may argue that absolute values given by Premium bonus have changed due to changes of basic production, but I don't see a guarantee of those values being constant anywhere. And I don't see a way to guarantee both the percentage we stated and absolute values. To guarantee absolute values we would have to somehow snapshot your production at the start of Premium period and then keep bonus values constant based on that snapshot, while dealing with a torrent of complaints from other players that were upgrading their mines during Premium period and seeing less that 10% bonus production we promised them in Premium description.

I'm not a legal expert, and I'm not trying to say your request is invalid, it's just, as I said, strange. There are many ways in the game to change base production, both up and down, so the claim that your Premium bonus was uniquely affected in this specific case feels far-fetched to me. But it's just my personal opinion, you can try contacting VasyaMalevich for official response.
25 Августа 2021 00:59:00
25 Августа 2021 00:59:00
Репутация 26
Группа toss Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 49 105 316 Очков 3 783 671 Сообщений 373
I'll just keep calling you Frankie .. and yes, I was aware that both accounts belong to you .... you can quickly tell from your alliance in which you are alone ....
Quote from UncleanOne is absolutely wrong:
No other race have truly safe production, except on early game stages, and since toss do not have energy producers (like Solar Satellites/Overlords) that could be destroyed to hinder their production, “risky” strategy for toss is uncovered droids.
either he is bad at math or he lacks some honesty ...
It would be more correct to say that there are some idiots out there who can't count and hope to get a good mine production that is stable by building lots of droids ... <= If you take a closer look at the formula and, together with the assimilation device, calculate the profitability (the same applies to blue and red droids) you realize that only a certain number of droids are actually worthwhile ... so even the top 100 players have so far just a few thousand droids .....
The stability of mine production is also wrong - even as a Terran you can produce top mine production of up to 800 K gas per hour without solar satellites - maybe even more ...
In addition, there is no reliable production at any race, because there are constant updates from the bloodthirsty administration - changed 3 times this year - and of course massively to the detriment of the players ..... these updates are worse than contamination and devouring .... and on purpose - to make panicked gamblers spend money .....

Quote from UncleanOne is absolutely wrong:
This is a strange request. The whole premise of Premium is to give a small edge over non-Premium players of your level, or allow one to compete with more developed non-Premium players by covering a gap in infrastructure size.
is also wrong, because the infrastructure advantage, which of course also yields static points, massively worsens the ratio of the fleet to one's own statistical points for small players ... You cannot be a farmer and fighter at the same time, and the size of the fleet in relation to your own size The decisive factor for competitiveness is ... increased infrastructure through Premium don't increases the fighting power of the fleet ... For very large players, on the other hand, the premium package can make a lot of sense, especially for those large players who invest a lot of money every month Invest game ..... For me, a 600 K Premium player is nothing more than premium food - easy to kill - .... Also there was wrong calculation with the introduction of the premium system and too little was offered to the player for his money ....and i'm not a premium player - I haven't invested a single cent in this account, and this account is not even particularly well balanced (more like the mean value of a classic robber) ....

Quote from Dragoneye is absolutely wrong
Toss droids give experience when killed, which is what players fight players for mostly anyway
The primary goal of regular battles is the combat fleet ... Service should normally not be touched upon - not even for insignificant amounts of resources ..... There are only a few unsuspecting beginners who cannot yet know - a light defense is enough to deter beginners completely off ... you are also a very small beginner yourself and do not need any droids yet ... if you've reached a certain size, and the fleet is more expensive in depreciation and expedition, then your Nexuse will be high enough to easily hide several thousand droids ... mine are level 18 and only half full of droids - since the last update - and I won't build much more, because it doesn't make sense to pay gas for less gas ..... the fleet procures more gas through inactive players, damaged 100-K-Opsen or also during robbery against active players ... relying on robbery to build the things that are really important ... and the things that are important and valuable cost gas - so there remains a lot of metal and mineral in excess, which is sell because it is not needed ...
Example: I need 1.6 KK gas for the next construction stage Asssimilator - that's the only thing that would increase gas production ...... I am currently doing 45 million metal, 30 million metal and 1.1 KK gas through raids. .. I can't build that useful thing and can't use this lot of metal and minerals - and to build some shit, the main thing is that the material is used up, makes zero sense ....

Frankie - you worry about things not worth thinking about or even buying ... I recommend you personally to restructure your accounts ... low production (only 20% above the depreciation to have no problem with the next change if necessary) - raid fleet with a low warm-up phase Hat (ideal for 3 min. Warm-up phase - speed +1120) - do not build any combat ships that cannot reach this flight speed / warm-up phase, they are for robbers food, who will always come with a fast-flying fleet ... fly intelligently and rob everyone small and equal-sized premium players ... they all have a good infrastructure, somti good gas, and mostly they also build slow-flying fleets that are easy to catch ... so fly smart ... make friends with people in your region, who have gates or have a lot of combat experience - everything else is food ..... and leave the pirates alive, because they are good bait - if anyone fly in with flagships, then you kill it with fast-speed-fleet and you have twice as many resources ..... always aim for a combat fleet - processors without a combat fleet are of no interest because if you shoot at them, the slow, heavy ships will never fly near you to catch them ....
you do not need a particularly high technology in weapons / shields / armor .. even mine is just below average and that is completely sufficient, because the number of fast-flying ships is always decisive for success .... You can also see that me thanks to this strategy I am relatively experienced in combat and could actually sell a lot of resources to buy officers and a little bit experimentell technologie..... There will always be buyers - and they buy everything, fleet, resources even droids ;-)

That will be more useful to you than premium or questioning .... you can do it the same way and every breed can be converted perfectly into a robbery account .... 40% fleet mass in relation to its own size is the cut for a robber .... start with farmers and premium players, which is always the easiest prey and then increase through experience and flight strategies to kill amateur predators who still have too many errors and weaknesses ...
Your own size is even unimportant (even better not to get too big as a robber, because the bigger you are, the more difficult it will be to balance the fleet without spending money for a suitable combat strength) - the main thing is that you can kill something and you will have a lot of fun. .... ;-)
25 Августа 2021 16:56:14
25 Августа 2021 16:56:14
Репутация -187
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8231
Цитата: _KIM_
If you take a closer look at the formula and, together with the assimilation device, calculate the profitability (the same applies to blue and red droids) you realize that only a certain number of droids are actually worthwhile

This applies to almost every production source in the game: each new level of same building or new unit of the same type gives less profit per expenses than the previous. Exceptions, like workers on asteroids, are hard-capped.

As a rule of thumb, to double the production one needs to spend 10 times more. Droids should have about the same growth ratio now.

Цитата: _KIM_
The stability of mine production is also wrong - even as a Terran you can produce top mine production of up to 800 K gas per hour without solar satellites - maybe even more ...

Even if it is a whole empire production figure and not a planetary one, it still looks very unrealistic to me. Did you mean 80k? Or I somehow missed something while studying production of top players? Haven't seen one playing satellite-free, either.
25 Августа 2021 18:22:54
25 Августа 2021 18:22:54
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 685 160 Сообщений 757
No, you haven't overlooked anything ... It has already been shortened enough on all sides - as I said, hardly playable ... I have a few satellites and _KIM_ "shut up" :-p
absolutely unrealistic ...
25 Августа 2021 19:37:20
25 Августа 2021 19:37:20


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2009 — 2525