Сообщения пользователя: Cubic

Тема: OPS taking Damage | 11 Февраля 2025 22:45:29
Сообщение #19
Hello Devs,

could somebody provide feedback on this matter? Unless we miss something crucial - there is obviously a bug here.

There is actualy one Planetary defense left and Estoppel has stopped firing because he doesn't know what is going to happen.

If you need further information, please let us know.

Thank you.
Сообщение #18
ok. thank you.
Сообщение #17

28/01/2025 18:55:28
Expedition included

Has somebody seen something different? I think I checked everything but I don't see a change so far.

Сообщение #16
I personally could live with a premium setup.

However, I am also speaking on behalf of smaller players who usually don't have access to premium features. Please consider giving them a fair chance.

Offering one long time slot for free would be a great solution. Many players coming from games like OGame (I’m not familiar with it myself) often complain about the need to carefully time fleet arrivals. Now, you’re considering removing one of the game’s key benefits?

What is the intention behind this decision? If you’ve chosen to remove this feature, there must be a specific reason. Was it simply to allow fleets to move from point A to point B without additional strategy? That seems counterproductive.

Please provide a real option for players to protect their fleets and resources without additional costs.

I’m not saying the idea of planetary expeditions is bad—it actually opens up a lot of exciting possibilities. But I strongly urge you to offer a viable way to safeguard fleets and resources.

Thank you for considering this feedback.
Тема: Chat broken | 10 Января 2025 21:52:25
Сообщение #15
I removed your predefined text because this appears to be a general issue. I've confirmed it with my three accounts (Edge, Firefox, and Chrome) and also with other alliance members.

The chat functionality seems to be broken. Autoscrolling doesn't always work.

Occasionally, when a new message arrives, it fails to autoscroll and instead displays a "(1)" icon in the bottom-right corner, indicating a new message. However, when you manually scroll to see the message, the "(1)" icon doesn't disappear. From that point onward, the channel stops updating with new messages. To see them, you have to switch channels and return or press F5 to reload.

Additionally (not sure if this is related):

Sometimes, when a new message arrives, the icons at the top for new chat or general messages flicker. It seems like they're trying to show "1 new message" but immediately revert to "everything read," and the new message notification disappears.
While the chat occasionally works as expected, this issue has become increasingly annoying over the past weeks.

Thank you and best regards
Тема: Iosif - New quest | 20 Декабря 2024 12:26:49
Сообщение #14
One hour after my post the quest disappeared as well as the station.

Because in our case we have our alliance bank and an alliance station in the orbit, the destruction of the planet would be catastrophic for the alliance. So i am not sad, that the station has vanished.

I would assume the best tactics in this case would be to position all guns available arround the station and start firing all together at the same time. When he targets an OPS its a matter of hours. With his tech he can destroy an average 20kk OPS/Station in 3 days.

This station is really no joke.

Тема: Iosif - New quest | 19 Декабря 2024 11:59:39
Сообщение #13

I got the new Iosif quest.

1) The coordinates are wrong (0:0:0); instead of my planets coords
2) It says, in the description, that you need to send ressources in the remaining time. What is the remaining time and how much is required?
3) It says, he will fly away when you do 1% structure damage. Is this instantly? I mean, this would mean there is no way to completly destroy the ship?

Thank you
Тема: New Imperium View | 17 Декабря 2024 19:49:07
Сообщение #12
I noticed that you have updated the layout of the Imperium page, and I appreciate the changes. I would like to propose a few suggestions that could further improve the user experience:

1) Save Filter Options

In the new layout, there are many more filtering and sorting options, which is great. However, it would be very helpful if you could implement a feature to save the current configuration (such as sorting, filters, and displayed items). This way, users could leave the page and return later to find their preferred setup intact, avoiding the need to reconfigure it every time.

2) Horizontal Separation

Would it be possible to add dividers between rows, such as a dotted border-top or a similar style? Additionally, highlighting the row when the cursor hovers over it would improve readability and navigation.

3) Design Adjustments

The font size of the values within the table, as well as the text inside images, is somewhat difficult to read. Perhaps slightly increasing the font size could help. It would also be beneficial to allocate a few more pixels for the images of buildings and defenses to make them clearer.

Thank you for considering
Very best regards
Тема: Координаты присутствия | 10 Июня 2024 18:15:10
Сообщение #11

will Expeditions be affected by this change? Will they remain invisible or will they also become visible?

Тема: Пираты вымерли. Pirates have gone extinct. | 15 Февраля 2024 18:02:25
Сообщение #10

hi UncleanOne,
would it be possible to get an complete up to date ruleset on how pirate spawn rate is calculated? With all parameters included?

Thank you and best regards
Тема: GROUP CHAT | 15 Июля 2023 20:36:57
Сообщение #9

hi, open a personal chat with the first person to join the group and on the bottom you click on the "options" button and select create group.


Тема: Доработка симулятора боя | 30 Мая 2023 21:55:07
Сообщение #8

I voted yes, because it would be a nice feature.

But I see 2 problems:

1. Server ressources

How much would be consumptation of server ressources? Negligible or not?

2. How much part of a fight is the factor chance? Would it even be possible to make such calculations? Like point of start etc.. You don't need a simulation if the whole result becomes some sort of gambling.

Best regards
Сообщение #7
Hi Orakis,
as you contacted me to vote in senate or to leave, allow me this comment on your questions. Maybe, some senators do not vote because of the badly formulated questions.
1. Storage of carriers
Yes, ok - As I don't believe the devs woke up in the morning and decided to cut the storage I think there was a reasoning behind. It would be of advantage if they gave more explanations about the rule changes. Maybe it would become more understandable. But ok. Would voted yes.
2. i don't understand what you are asking for. It might be a translation problem as different browsers do sometimes autotranslate or not. This is what I get: https://prnt.sc/81umBy9zBsMH
It just makes no sense.

3. Same here
4. yes. have the same feeling. But this is not a question. What do you expect from the people to vote?
I would love to see one question per threat. One and only one question properly formulated.
From this case:
1. OK
2. ?
3. ?
4. Not a question
Should I now vote in favor or against. Or, for other questions. I agree with (for example) 1 and 3 and disagree with 2. What to vote?
So make one question: I would like to bring the storage from carriers back to 3 000 000 as default or base value (or whatever, I am not completly in...) Tell specific values. (Not back to old values. What old values? Those that were actual 10 years ago?)
And Orakis: I don't know you, so please, don't take this personal. 90% of the senators requests are just right from the beginning "bullshit". You read them and know exactly, that will not come to result.

Hallo Orakis,
weil Du mich kontaktiert hast mit der Begründung ich solle doch antworten oder den Senat verlassen, erlaube mir diesen Kommentar zu Deinen Fragen.
1. Lagerräumer der Träger
Ja, von mir aus. Da ich nicht davon ausgehe, dass die Devs morgens aufgewacht sind und sich dachten: ja, hey: Heute kürzen wir mal die Lager Kapazitäten der Träger sage ich da wird wohl eine Überlegung dahinter gesteckt haben. Würden die Devs auch mal einen Kommentar abgeben, dann wären viele Änderungen auch mal verständlicher und nicht so willkürlich. Aber ok. Ich hätte dann hier Yes gestimmt.
2. Ich verstehe einfach nicht was du da fragst. Es mag an den Übersetzern liegen die je nach Browser mal automatisch übersetzen oder nicht, aber der Punkt macht einfach keinen Sinn. Um Klarheit zu schaffen: Hier das kommt bei mir an: https://prnt.sc/81umBy9zBsMH
3. Idem
4. Ja, stimmt. Denke das gleiche. Aber das ist keine Frage. Was sollte man hierauf wählen?
Ich würde mir wünschen, es käme eine Frage pro Threat. Diese Frage sollte ausführlich formuliert sein.
Aus dieser Frage ergibt sich:
1. OK
2. ?
3. ?
4. Keine Frage
Wie soll ich nun abstimmen? Bin ich dafür oder dagegen? Oder, sagen wir in einem anderem Threat (Beispiel). Ich bin für 1 oder 3. 2 bin ich dagegen? Was wählt man in so einem Fall?
Also bitte: Einen Threat: Ich möchte die Träger Kapazität zurück auf 3 000 000 haben (als Beispiel, bin da nicht drin). Also nicht zurück auf die "alten Werte". Welche alten Werte? Die vor 3 Jahren?
Und bitte Orakis: Ich kenne dich nicht. Nimm das bitte nicht persöhnlich aber ich bin genervt über das ganze "Sentoren" System. 90% der Anfragen sind einfach von vornerein unnütz, weil du liest sie und denkst dann: was soll denn jetzt da rauskommen.
And here a russion translation (sorry, can't read cyrillic - if I summoned a demon, sorry)
Und hier noch eine russische Übersetzung (sorry, kann kein kyrillisch, Wenn ich einen Dämonen herbei rufen sollte: Dann sorry)

Здравствуйте, Оракис,
поскольку вы обратились ко мне, сказав, что я должен ответить или покинуть сенат, позвольте мне прокомментировать ваши вопросы.
1. акционирование портеров
Да, от меня. Поскольку я не предполагаю, что разработчики проснулись утром и подумали: да, эй: сегодня мы собираемся сократить запасы носильщиков, я бы сказал, что за этим должно было стоять какое-то соображение. Если бы разработчики также комментировали, то многие изменения были бы более понятными и не такими произвольными. Но ладно. Здесь я бы проголосовал "Да".
2. Я просто не понимаю, о чем вы спрашиваете. Это может быть связано с тем, что переводчики переводят автоматически в зависимости от браузера, но смысл просто не имеет смысла. Поясню: Вот что мне приходит на ум: https://prnt.sc/81umBy9zBsMH
3. idem
4. да, верно. Думайте одинаково. Но это не вопрос. Что нужно выбрать в этой теме?
Я бы хотел, чтобы в каждой теме задавался один вопрос. Этот вопрос должен быть сформулирован подробно.
Из этого вопроса вытекает:
1. ОК
2. ?
3. ?
4. нет вопроса
Как я должен голосовать сейчас? Я за или против? Или, скажем, в другой теме (пример). Я за 1 или 3. 2 я против? За что вы проголосуете в таком случае?
Итак, пожалуйста: одна угроза: Я бы хотел, чтобы вместимость носителя вернулась к 3 000 000 (как пример, меня там нет). То есть не возврат к "старым значениям". Какие старые значения? К тем, что были 3 года назад?
И пожалуйста, Оракис: я вас не знаю. Пожалуйста, не принимайте это на свой счет, но меня раздражает вся эта система "sentoren". 90% запросов просто бесполезны с самого начала, потому что ты читаешь их, а потом думаешь: что из этого должно получиться?

Und ich stelle mir auch die Frage ob man nicht sagen sollte: Um Premium zu werden, sollten man 2 Jahre im Spiel dabei sein (nicht unbedingt Premium, aber zumindest Mitglied sein) um Senator zu werden. So wäre dann sicher gestellt, dass man zumindest die Grundverständnisse vom Spiel hat.

And I wonder: Would it not be a good idea that you can only become senator if you are more to 2 years registered in the game (not necessarly Premium but at least registered)? That would at least certify a certain knowledge about the game.

И мне интересно: Не будет ли хорошей идеей, если вы сможете стать сенатором, только если вы зарегистрированы в игре более 2 лет (не обязательно премиум, но хотя бы зарегистрированы)? Это, по крайней мере, подтвердило бы определенные знания об игре.
Тема: Digital register an sale of OPS | 18 Июля 2021 11:21:51
Сообщение #6
And another question: Is a registered OPS also protected from destruction? (collision, guns, etc...) ?

Тема: Digital register an sale of OPS | 17 Июля 2021 00:49:14
Сообщение #5
Hey Vasya,

thank you for your answer. We are going to check the new opportunities.

Best regards and have a great weekend!
Тема: Digital register an sale of OPS | 16 Июля 2021 23:05:27
Сообщение #4

ok. This looks like a great idea. How does it work in real?

I pay 10k HC. My OPS is in your digital register and cannot be stolen. Cool.

I am selling it and what happens next? Is it still protected for the buyer or does it loose its protection status? Will it still be registered for the buyer?

Тема: Digital register an sale of OPS | 16 Июля 2021 22:17:12
Сообщение #3
Hello everyone,

todays announcements in balance forum:

16/07/2021 17:36:31
Digital register and sale of OPS

16/07/2021 17:36:31
Prohibition of colonization of OPS registered in the Digital Register

Would you please provide more information about those 2 points? It is hardly comprehensible what that means. Somehow, it looks important ;)

Thank you and best regards
Тема: СуперБАН | 1 Июля 2021 22:34:22
Сообщение #2

just to make it clear. We are talking about the players that used the "exchange" or "trading" bug some months ago, correct?

Тема: Intergalaktisches Forschunsnetzwerk | 9 Января 2020 07:26:25
Сообщение #1

ich hätte mal eine Frage bezüglich des IFNs. Heute morgen war die Erforschung des IFNs fertig und ich hätte mir jetzt einen riesigen Boost erwartet in den Forschungszeiten. Aber die Forschungszeiten sind die gleichen geblieben. Ich frage mich ob ich das IFN falsch verstanden habe oder ob irgendwas falsch läuft. Muß eventuell noch etwas gebaut werden, damit das IFN aktiv wird?

Ich habe 3 Planeten:
Planet 1 : Forschungslabor 11 + Nanolabor 1 
Planet 2 : Forschungslabor 11
Planet 3 : Forschungslabor 10

Könnte mir das einer erklären, wie genau das IFN funktionniert? Die englische Übersetzung gibt auch nicht mehr her.

Vielen Dank