Последние обновления

09-12-2019 17:11:38
Dunkleosteus has become more dominant
09-12-2019 12:44:15
The starting percentage of fleet recovery was reduced from 18% to 15%
07-12-2019 3:08:20
We've increased the number of pirates in high orbits by a third.
06-12-2019 10:28:28
The non-aggressive fleet is turning around on a pirate, but with a fight.
04-12-2019 10:57:37
04-12-2019 9:33:28
Automatic technology entry in the simulator has been fixed. (Simulation overtake wrong tech)
03-12-2019 13:00:31
Psi Disrupter now does not affect the speed of trading missions.
03-12-2019 9:24:26
Influence of technologies on the recyclers of other races is removed
02-12-2019 12:24:07
Reduced fees for payment via WebMoney (Paymaster)
27-11-2019 10:56:15
Deduction of the gravity field of the object to be destroyed in the event of a collision to tear down the shields before debris fall out.
27-11-2019 10:56:15
Calculation of the average number of debris in espionage. Excluding the units covering the structure (shields and hydralisks).
26-11-2019 18:49:16
The cool-down movement in local coordinates is frozen for the duration of the vacation mode.
25-11-2019 19:40:34
Decrease in the price increase coefficients of
Human computer technology from 9 to 6,
Xerjs nural core from 6.25 to 5,
Hyperconnection of tosses from 8 to 6
25-11-2019 13:35:47
Hyperlinkverbindung has been expanded with "Ability" and "Information" sections
22-11-2019 13:44:17
21-11-2019 7:10:11
Realtime update of units and resources on the Fleet page in the departing fleet.
20-11-2019 14:41:35
The scourges are visible to the people they're flying at.
20-11-2019 13:14:41
New edition of descriptions of local coordinates, low, medium and high orbits, Teleportation and Collisions.
20-11-2019 9:53:32
Demonstration of the type of planet for the industrial in the panel of planets in the galaxy.
19-11-2019 14:37:29
Fleet icons can't rotate around their axis.
19-11-2019 12:29:22
Excess fleets displaying in the 3D overview was corrected
(3д обзор пират)
19-11-2019 12:05:40
The discovery of unknown planets by the fleets at the coordinates has been disabled.
19-11-2019 11:10:41
Tosses buildings Attackus, Shieldus, Armourous and Powerous give the ability to "teleport" only at the stations of tosses (excluded OPS)
18-11-2019 10:20:22
We've added local coordinates for high-orbit fleets, for fleets standing on coordinates.
You will not be able to merge the fleets if there is no free space next to the fleet with which the merger takes place.
Projection of local coordinates of fleets in the galaxy.
18-11-2019 10:00:20
16-11-2019 15:35:18
Fleet diameters of tosses and relicts
+ adjusting the diameters of the human fleet
16-11-2019 14:59:03
Diameters for xerjs fleets.
16-11-2019 12:42:38
You can enter numbers with a dot and comma separator in the station direction fields.
14-11-2019 11:01:53
We have added a new type of planets "Industrial" +1% to metal and minerals production.
They open with the colonization of an unknown planet.
13-11-2019 18:54:08
12-11-2019 19:15:42
Medal "Commandant" (+1 slot for 30 days) can be found in the expedition.
12-11-2019 14:48:37
Medal Che Guevara
12-11-2019 7:16:34
11-11-2019 16:14:11
Correction of fleet sharing
08-11-2019 12:31:43
We have fixed the bug of docking the fleet with the satellite, allowing the docking in case the satellite changed its coordinates after the departure of the fleet.
08-11-2019 12:31:43
We've fixed the bug of the impossibility of defending a friendly satellite when other satellites are defending. It is available to check the number of people defending on satellites, for each satellite separately.
08-11-2019 12:21:17
Maximum percentage of overflow reduced to 10%
07-11-2019 17:00:53
We have improved the sound on the first page of the first briefing, reduced the volume. Craig.
07-11-2019 15:24:41
We have reduced Computer Technology requirements for the nanite factory, science vessel and intergalactic research network.
07-11-2019 14:32:00
Reform according to the announcement of SailorMoon and Computer Technology Sailor Moon and computer technology
05-11-2019 13:09:37
Change in the cost of Accelerators
04-11-2019 11:25:26
We fixed the description of the cost of accelerators. In the description it was erroneously specified 30 days instead of 100 days.
01-11-2019 23:03:16
Sailor Moon needs more crystals.
Sailor Moon 1 kit increased in price from 4000 to 5000.
Sailor Moon 2 kit increased in price from 6000 to 6500.
01-11-2019 14:57:18
More detailed description of the bought kit in Notepad.
01-11-2019 14:45:37
In the description of the fleet's medals, the number of units received is displayed instead of points.
01-11-2019 11:27:38
We have corrected the inaccuracy in the description formula Fleet performance enhancement for the tosses stations. (Only the description, calculation in the game has not changed)
01-11-2019 11:27:34
You can't create a moon over an Asteroid. Now the moon can only be created above a inhabited planet.
31-10-2019 21:22:05
Saylor Moon makes the moon twice as expensive, but not from planets/asteroids
31-10-2019 19:21:06
The Dunkleosteus bonus for the structure is reduced from 10% to 5%.
31-10-2019 14:24:28
Saylor Moon and the power of the moon prism.
31-10-2019 9:09:44
Changing an officer's spy formula to "sum of levels".
30-10-2019 11:32:06
Fleet and defense points from the last spy report are displayed when sending a fleet
28-10-2019 9:36:45
The newbie protection in the event of a shredingle rupture and in battle does not affect the stuck weak fleet.
25-10-2019 11:59:25
For Defence and Recycling missions, any time can now be entered in hours from 1 to 999
24-10-2019 16:30:04
The new phrase of the pirate Zarazka
24-10-2019 12:41:15
We've corrected the problem of delaying the docking of the fleets
24-10-2019 9:16:35
For a stuck fleet there is no newbie protection against rupture in shreds and in combat.
23-10-2019 18:14:39
Support for inserting coordinates on the Insect entity management page
23-10-2019 10:57:01
Self-destruction of the object in case of loss of structure.
In case of damage (gravity gun, collision, PD) mechanics is the same, the object will be destroyed immediately.
In case of loss of structure (building demolition, loss of shields) - the self-destruction timer is activated, and when the structure is restored, timer is deactivated.
22-10-2019 19:03:17
We corrected the tax refund after distribution
21-10-2019 14:29:14
The buildings are now ignored in the formation of player statistics at Pirate Planetary Stations, Orbital Pirate Stations, Alliance Banks (at space stations), as well as at BE-BE.
21-10-2019 11:07:40
The evolution of consumption now affects only units of xerjs
18-10-2019 9:06:53
The Awakening of the Relicts. We have updated the list of top systems. We have added new members to replace the destroyed systems.
16-10-2019 12:29:49
We've synchronized the battle time and the progress timer in battle.
15-10-2019 12:50:45
Possibility to insert copied coordinates on the teleportation page of the station.
14-10-2019 14:31:26
We've added the eaten resources to the transmission loss information in the battle report
14-10-2019 8:13:12
Fortification technology now only works on human buildings, the Shield Battery only works on tosses buildings.
12-10-2019 12:33:02
The Rehabilitation evolution now affects only the buildings of the xerjs.
08-10-2019 13:14:23
We have corrected the appearance of negative resource values on the objects (Минусовые значение ресурсов на астере )
01-10-2019 15:21:33
We improved display of the browser in the history of the logins
30-09-2019 9:32:43
We've removed the display of scanned objects from the pirate profiles.
29-09-2019 12:56:29
We corrected the zero and negative commissions at the bestiary (Дендры)
28-09-2019 13:37:10
We've changed the percentage of fuel consumption reduction from Officer Synthetic.
25-09-2019 9:28:34
We've corrected the messages sent to the owner of the bestiary about the return of his own lot (Баг)
24-09-2019 8:04:12
We've fixed the planet's icons in the message about the impossibility of defending the object.
24-09-2019 8:04:12
We've fixed the messages that the player gets when he recolonizes objects.
17-09-2019 12:12:54
We have activated a newbie protection of the asteroid, even for the inactive players, or for the players in the long-term VM.
16-09-2019 13:16:33
Bug fixing https://xcraft.net/forum/topic_45783
16-09-2019 12:12:12
Bug fixing, Correction of reputation changes of Aldaris (https://xcraft.net/forum/topic_45815)
12-09-2019 19:34:17
Vikings in defense now have a concentration of 50% instead of 100% (there was a bug).
12-09-2019 13:36:34
We put a checkmark in the galaxy's filters. It disables zooming out before displaying the alliance map.
12-09-2019 13:29:22
When a fleet is destroyed in combat at an object, 50% of the resources are dropped from the holds instead of 25% of the resources
12-09-2019 10:30:27
Optimization of galaxy loading.
12-09-2019 7:40:02
We have corrected false reports of the deaths of queens
11-09-2019 12:38:17
Now you can destroy the asteroids by the fleet.
10-09-2019 11:42:10
You can get experience for destruction in battle only for such buildings as: Alliance Station, Quay, Neural Core, Leaf-lift.
09-09-2019 11:54:06
We've improved the ability to send the fleet out of combat at coordinates.
Now you don't have to select the exact number of fleets you want to send out of combat at the coordinates. Any value greater than the current number will be considered as "all units of this type".
05-09-2019 16:45:49
Other people's scourges standing in defense are displayed in the 3D view.
04-09-2019 19:41:51
We've added a type of planet in the planetary panel in the galaxy near temperature. Now it is easier to search for a gas, dry or wet planet.
04-09-2019 11:38:42
We've disabled dunkleosteus dominance when the player activates vacation mode.
04-09-2019 11:10:39
We introduced a new usurper repair (based on the results of the battle), taking into account the new "Super Repair" ability, the recovery in battle is eliminated.
03-09-2019 15:54:01
We've added a picture for a modified Usurper's ability.
02-09-2019 22:57:02
Leviathan's cost increase by 100 000 Vespene
02-09-2019 10:34:28
We fixed a bug that gave the Viking almost x5 in defense to attack. Now it has x3 as described
02-09-2019 8:35:41
Experimental possibility to force 3D animation on all devices.
30-08-2019 15:06:12
Button to confirm sending samples to the Ark for Humans and Tosses.
Название темы
 Последнее сообщение 
Manual control of battle was improved

one action point every 25 seconds



9 Декабря 2016 22:04:37
Посл. сообщение: Gorun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2710



8 Декабря 2016 19:34:16
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2423



4 Декабря 2016 00:33:47
Посл. сообщение: iceblade
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2516



4 Декабря 2016 18:23:30
Посл. сообщение: qwertyII
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2548



1 Декабря 2016 22:54:19
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 2930



30 Ноября 2016 16:22:53
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2340



1 Декабря 2016 01:25:59
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 6 Просмотры: 2578



29 Ноября 2016 15:54:46
Посл. сообщение: Anthony_Huynh
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2265

Technical works

November 25, 2016, 05:00am server time.



25 Ноября 2016 10:14:06
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2738



23 Ноября 2016 14:24:58
Посл. сообщение: shane
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2622



29 Ноября 2016 23:13:13
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 10 Просмотры: 3034



22 Ноября 2016 19:34:26
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2621



16 Ноября 2016 23:19:03
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2604



31 Октября 2016 09:06:15
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2492



29 Октября 2016 18:33:43
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2696



28 Октября 2016 11:26:48
Посл. сообщение: Exterminator
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2546



25 Октября 2016 23:35:43
Посл. сообщение: manda
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 19 Просмотры: 3249



16 Октября 2016 20:50:03
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2517

Technical works

17/10/2016 at 05:00 server time



17 Октября 2016 06:58:50
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2437



14 Октября 2016 11:14:21
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2214



6 Октября 2016 20:52:02
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2556



4 Октября 2016 12:15:00
Посл. сообщение: Coffee
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 3035



26 Сентября 2016 22:41:42
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2674



26 Сентября 2016 20:47:29
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2543

Bounty hunting

new mechanic



28 Сентября 2016 18:10:54
Посл. сообщение: enahs
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 3115

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