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Total voted: 41.

Component drawings

Post  Post #1 
Reputation 203
Group humans Alliance Combining the Zerg and Terran 112 47 60 Points 24 221 894 Messages 75
Not long ago, some innovations appeared in the game, namely components that can be obtained from destroyed pirate fleets and drawings that are sought in expeditions. With their help you can acquire interesting gadgets. Not everyone is keen on exploration, and there hasn’t been a widespread hunt for pirates lately either. But I want some stray stuff. Why doesn't the administration introduce the sale of the above things (components and drawings) on the stock exchange. I don't think this will change the balance of the game in any way. There will probably be many people willing to both sell and buy.
12 October 2023 13:44:22
12 October 2023 13:44:22
Post  Post #2 
12 October 2023 14:08:35
12 October 2023 14:08:35
Post  Post #3 
Reputation 120
Group humans Alliance Combining the Zerg and Terran 69 42 96 Points 7 602 780 Messages 84
zemlyanin_, i do agree with u but the cost of the drawing to make these components is way over priced having to blow aasters up ect for materials ect this why no one cares for them
12 October 2023 19:26:39
12 October 2023 19:26:39
Post  Post #4 
Reputation 203
Group humans Alliance Combining the Zerg and Terran 112 47 60 Points 24 221 894 Messages 75
Quote: UncleanOne

Отлично. Хорошее дополнение к игре.
13 October 2023 09:04:15
13 October 2023 09:04:15
Post  Post #5 
Reputation 2362
Group humans Alliance OnlyOneTeam4Rever 113 66 241 Points 16 633 125 Messages 150
Да когда ещё сделают(( а чертёж стелс вообще как чёрная метка-хрен найдёшь, 600+чел. в але и не кто ещё не хвастаялся
13 October 2023 09:26:00
13 October 2023 09:26:00
Post  Post #6 
Reputation 72
Group toss Alliance Тень 74 36 94 Points 5 943 997 Messages 21
Абсолютно против , сильные ещё сильнее, слабые ещё слабее , сокращаете время прибывания донатеров путем покупки этого барахла у других , да донат , но краткосрочный. И по итогу порезки как в принципе после любой идеи игроков.Короче шляпа предложение.
13 October 2023 18:22:27
13 October 2023 18:22:27
Post  Post #7 
Reputation 160
Group xerj Alliance Combining the Zerg and Terran 107 34 26 Points 9 668 000 Messages 95
сомнительное это дело ..
14 October 2023 08:53:16
14 October 2023 08:53:16


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