Hello All.
Oposite to Victoria writings I can compare the recycling speed of different Races
Because I use same ships ! ! ! the teran recycler - used at teran or used at xerj race.
info : Screen Victoria
http://prntscr.com/oqw248 Recycler speed at Teran : 188 per minute
http://prntscr.com/oqw2tpRecycler speed at xerj : 243 per minute
http://prntscr.com/oqw32vProvider speed at xerj : 89 per minute
http://prntscr.com/oqw3sm My provider take 6505 cargo with using 8,67 fuel
the teran recycler take 20528 with using 26 fuel
so 3 provider are similar to 1 recycler and take 267 per minute
as 1 recycler only takes 188 at teran.
So xerj still 35% faster than teran. but have more amortisation costs.
All in all - we can kill less pirates with less profit.
IN SUMMA this game gets boring.
We can not move to enemy - trampoline change, jump gate change, fuel change ( special toss )
We can not hunt pirats.
so we are stationär targets for your top 10. Even all know who wins
the potty 2019 this year.
You want all donate here for the project - but the top 5 get 10.000 us dollar every year.
For sure this game has to much money
if you spent a price to same people every year. special russian can backchange hc to rubel.
I forgot to say. this is a stupid bug. the speed of teran recycler used by XERJ