The description under Keys states there should be a 1% faster research bonus when you steal a players Capital key. I had five stolen keys from players earlier and the research time for items never changed with any of them, or all of them for that matter. I should have gotten 5% faster research time for having five keys. When you look at things with long research times, 5% would make a LOT of difference. A research time of 12 hours 58 minutes and 14 seconds should be about 38.9 minutes less with five "enemy" keys if they give 1% faster research bonus each. Research time of 2 days 9 hours should be 168 minutes (2 hours 48 minutes) less with that bonus from 5 keys. The value of research times never changed after obtaining any amount of "enemy" Capital keys though...
Here is the description from the "Keys" tab in game I am referring to. -- "You also can capture a key of a player with higher score. If a player has several keys, a random key will be stolen. Foreign keys will give you only 1% of extra research speed, but their owners will also pay you 5% of their income as a tribute." --
I even waited for a while after obtaining the keys to see if any research times changed and none of them did.
I believe this is a bug or the description is wrong ...or if this was changed and removed, then perhaps the description was never properly updated?
Please let Me(and all of U/us) know if this is a mistake.
Thank you!
Медаль третьего класса
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