Quote: risus
In info about extractor on level 18 - income per hour is: 2063
on general resources page I see vespene base output: 806
The same is with Rectification Tunnel and Incubator.
The info for production buildings show the output with all bonuses that you have (mutants, medals and so on). In resources view, base output is shown separately from bonuses.
For example, base output for Incubator is (5*level*1.1^level) metal and (18*level*1.1^level) minerals. At 19th level that would be 581.011 and 209.640 respectively, which is what you can see in "base output" section on your last screenshot. All bonuses are shown in "other sources" section. But when you look into the building info, you see its output with all bonuses for that building (+160% in your case).