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On the first day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me a brand new SCV
On the second day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the third day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the fourth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the fifth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and brand new SCV
On the sixth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me six Zealots fighting five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and brand new SCV
On the seventh day of christmas, Blizzard gave to us seven Zerglings swarming six Zealots fighting five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the eigth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me eight Archons burning seven Zerglings swarming six Zealots fighting five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the ninth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me nine Battle Cruisers power overwhelming seven Zerglings swarming six Zealots fighting five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the tenth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me ten Ultralisks nine Battle Cruisers terror all consuming seven Zerglings swarming six Zealots fighting five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the eleventh day of christmas, blizzard gave to me eleven Science Vessels ten Ultralisks nine Battle Cruisers I hate all this singing grmbl six Zealots fighting five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
On the twelth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me twelve Arbiters eleven Science Vessels ten Ultralisks nine Battle Cruisers eight Archons burning seven Zerglings swarming six Zealots fighting five airborn Queens four Hyrdalisks three Marines two Terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV
Whoo! Why am I so jolly? Hey, who spiked the egg nog
Что-то мне подсказывает, что Dark_Zerg'у и его команде это должно понравиться.
I know that I’m not meant to kill this indiscriminately, but I get a bit bit carried away by the sounds of pain
What I may never know is the place of the maze in which I would have erased some fucking fairies from space I neglected to ask before I killed the last dairy farmer who knew I wish I had waited for you I wish I could invoke a better part of me I know I’m s’posed to be all “the one”, but I have too much fun killing everyone I came here to play, now could you come out and stay so I can kill and away you to gods you pray to and never look back.
I know that all these NPCs don’t pose a threat to me But I gotta kill kill something right now and this’ll have to do
I know that I’m not meant to kill this indiscriminately, but I get a bit bit carried away by the sounds of pain
What I may never know is the place of the maze in which I would have erased some fucking fairies from space I neglected to ask before I killed the last dairy farmer who knew I wish I had waited for you I wish I could invoke a better part of me I know I’m s’posed to be all “the one”, but I have too much fun killing everyone I came here to play, now could you come out and stay so I can kill and away you to gods you pray to and never look back.
I know that all these NPCs don’t pose a threat to me But I gotta kill kill something right now and this’ll have to do
Понять куда проще, чем адекватно передать на русском всю awesomeness песни, да ещё и с сохранением ритма. Я пока не возьмусь её переводить. (Кто не знает буржуйского — извините.)