User's messages: Dragoneye

Message #4
Killed 5 pirates since I logged in this morning. Didn't go well. Sent 3x the fleet points against all and losses in 4 of the 5 battles. Usually no losses with those numbers. Maybe have to try 4x or 5x?

Total losses were 810000 metal, 1350000 mineral, 202500 gas.
Total scraps were 1221970 metal, 728480 mineral.

This doesn't include the gas cost of sending the fleets out, so real big losses all around.
Topic: Outlaws Plausibility Attacks | 6 December 2022 21:12:33
Message #3
As far as I know they can be attacked like any other satellite. Why do you think they can't be attacked?

Edit: If you are referring to the Martin station at 155:430:7 that is a scene player and those can't be attacked unless by quest.
Message #2
Thank you for taking the time to explain your reasoning. I don't really care about Toss production values. My Toss production is all dedicated to fleet amortization and I now have a hefty surplus thanks to these changes. I do, however, care about leaving targets exposed for predators. Toss droids give experience when killed, which is what players fight players for mostly anyway, so having 90% of your droids exposed is not good. Also, Overlords are covered by FAS, so not subject to risk. You are correct that Terran solar satellites are at risk, but most Terrans invest in Solar Plants and Vespine Reactors to mitigate the danger.

About the Premium request: I don't understand what is strange about it. I paid real money in a legal transaction to gain 10% planetary production bonus and midway through my paid month you took that bonus away (without offering a refund). That's the very definition of theft. I really don't care about production values, or about the advantage it gives me over non-paying clients; I just want what I paid money for.

Edit: This is my Toss account, Frankie is my Terran
Topic: Announce: Colonization mission rework | 9 May 2021 19:28:24
Message #1
Is this working as intended now or is it buggy? The reason I ask is because I have been doing some experimenting with the new process.

I sent a colony ship to an undiscovered planet and when it got there it went into 24 hour hold, but two things make me wonder.

First off, as soon as the colony ship went into 24 hour hold, the planet showed all characteristics on the galaxy map, which means I can send that colony ship out to discover new planet types without every losing it. Intended? It's like having an endless supply of Gigalords without having to spend the time to build a Spire to get it back off planet to explore some more.

The other thing I noticed is that the colony ship that is on hold waiting to colonize does not show up on the galaxy map. Intended? It's like having a stealth fleet that cannot be detected, especially if the planet has been previously discovered. Really nice option for raiders who can now send any size fleet they want next door to you and you never see them coming. Also, no need to use expedition slots now to save your fleet when you can just pick a planet and send a fleet to 'colonize' it until you need it again or your 42 days runs out. More dangerous than expedition but who's going to go looking on the off chance there's a fleet hiding somewhere?