
The Bugs forum thread is not just for reporting bugs to the administration. It is intended to solve technical problems encountered in the game. Before creating a topic, you should check to see if there is a topic with the bug that you want to report. In order to report bugs or glitches, you can create a new thread instead of writing in the existing threads. Topics with the title Bug, Glitch will not be considered. Try to put a brief description of your problem in the title of the topic. If the problem described above occurred on another account, be sure to specify the account where it occurred.
Responsible: ymnik  

Miner Level Bonus

Reputation 167
Group Government Alliance BATTLESTAR 222 35 74 Points 39 908 778 Messages 110
The user on whose account the problem was detected:


Date or time of the incident (according to server time):

The layout looks confusing , each one says Bonus works, it looks like i should get 1+2+3% bonus
But that is not the case, I am only recieveing 3% total bonus

Solution , give the bonus as shown , or rewrite as so its not to confuse , perhaps they should all be 1%, or written as 1% per level

Actions required to repeat the problem:


Third class award

Third class award

This award can be exchanged for fleet award. It is issued for assistance in addressing bugs in game.

Reward issued by: ymnik

1 July 2022 14:24:02
1 July 2022 14:24:02
Reputation 787
Group relict Alliance Testing 16 21 56 Points 458 563 723 Messages 7739
The problem is solved.
25 July 2022 08:20:45
25 July 2022 08:20:45


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