The Bugs forum thread is not just for reporting bugs to the administration. It is intended to solve technical problems encountered in the game. Before creating a topic, you should check to see if there is a topic with the bug that you want to report. In order to report bugs or glitches, you can create a new thread instead of writing in the existing threads. Topics with the title Bug, Glitch will not be considered. Try to put a brief description of your problem in the title of the topic. If the problem described above occurred on another account, be sure to specify the account where it occurred.
Looks awful. I\'m sorry for the formatting but I am unable to add line breaks via editing at the moment. Maybe you can check the edit history to see I tried multiple times to change that.
Медаль третьего класса
Эту медаль можно обменять на медаль флота. Выдается за заслуги перед проектом.