pokolop / Валерий ! New Planet skin still has Bugs !
27.08.2018 23:00 servre time . still have both planet "looks" mixed
http://prntscr.com/kbw5r0Serious. ?
Planet on left side bar still different than galaxy view.
Also have a mix of new design and old at left planet side bar. At different browswer planets have different look. LIKE posted before - "called" fixed - still there.( F5 sometimes help - not at all ) At Opera 1 planet new design - other planets old design
http://prntscr.com/ka07eh ( the yellow now orange ) but in flight list all new design.
http://prntscr.com/ka05z9 looks like bird shit The man who did should leave.I "p" better design in snow.
http://prntscr.com/ka04h7this is no professional look. AS FATBOY said he leaves the game because problem with eyesI did not know he means the new planet designs. It hurts in eyes.