I noticed a slight difference in the description of the science vessels and the real behavior.
This is in the description:
http://i.prntscr.com/kNUtoXWBQ7StQYEWun4-MA.pngThis text says that it is activated after the ship was hit by enemy fire. This is only partly correct.
It is activated when ANY ship is hit by enemy fire.
Example: The science vessels guards 3 different types of units with defensive matrixes. Types 1 and 2 get hit by enemy fire. But for all 3 the defensive matrixes are activated. Even when Type 3 was not hit at all by enemy fire it is also activated.
So either the bug is that defensive matrixes are activated even when the particular ship wasn't hit by fire but another guarded ship was
The description of the science vessel should state:
"Increases base shields by a factor of 10 for 4 rounds once per combat. It is activated automatically after any ship was hit by enemy fire."
Here a battle report with said behavior:
https://xcraft.net/battle/index.php?battle_id=14cf23c9417b1619550ba9f1c3180d68In this battle the science vessels are NOT HIT by my fire at the start but their SHIELDS DO INCREASE.