Today a player has scanned all my 11 planets. 7 of them are made very new and even my guild members did not know where they were positioned. But a player scanned all my planets today. How can this happen? The only way to do this is to use online cheating softwares. I do not want to go in to this subject but player like this cheater have to be stopped. That is not fair.
I made 7 new planets in 2 days! Nobody knew their locations because I did not attack pirates from some of these planets. Therefore; not even my Guild members knew all the locations. Only way to get the locations is to access cheating web sides or special software. Getting and using informations on your behalf other than the game mechanics is cheating.
If the developers do not take preventing measures than they can forget this game. These persons must be stopped for the sake of the game. I am paying to play so I expect a cheating free game or at least a game where the developers take this issue as serious.
Here, this was the player who scanned all my planets one after another within 5 minutes: And now he is also threatening me to attack my planets with a lexx to destroy my building.
Please admins do not allow such cheaters!