I am trying to harass Andyw
[21:465:1] because he is a dick.
I've been periodically sending missiles from several of my planets, and now after the galaxy update, I cannot send missiles.
The missile option is available as an attack option on the planet screen, however clicking it only refreshes the screen.
I zoomed in on the solar system in question, and the spy and missile options are there, but grey.
I was able to get the launch menu to come up once, but there was only empty boxes.
I really would like to harass this asshat, it is the only joy I have left in the game.
Even sending 80+ missiles at a time, I don't do enough damage to warrant a retaliatory attack. You are impeding my douchery and I want you to fix it.
Please do it soon, so I dont just use my finger, that I am currently using to salute the skript kiddie who f'd up the galaxy page, to delete my account.
To sum up, in my heart felt opinion, there is a bug in the missile launch popup.
Please look into it at your earliest convenience.