This is an oGame clone, a basically raiding game.
If you take out raiding, game becomes boring:(
This is exactly what is done now, by imposing heavy limits and penalties to raiding other players.
We all have to start by raiding grays, until we build up strength...
Resource limits do not apply to raiding grays, only to other players (thank God). Despite that, resources from grays are used to impose limits on raiding other players.
Where is the logic in that?
By the time we have gathered enough strength to attack other players, we no longer can:(
Raiding resource limits should only be counted from raiding other players (lower them) and applied only to raiding other players (as it is now)
BTW attacking grays is no raiding, it is just collecting or window shopping, unless smn else beats you to the punch:(
Because of this, i will be leaving this game shortly...
My 2 cents worth