Сообщения пользователя: Marsman

Тема: What to do with comets? | 2 Августа 2022 00:58:52
Сообщение #3
Send the collectors to orbit , defense or recycling with no return order
From there look in the fleets (green/orange/red numbers) there should be an icon , click this and it will take you to 3D flight ,click on the 3D fleet , then look in the box to lower right, there should be an option to write those coordinates
Тема: Planet/Object stat value | 4 Июля 2022 08:30:31
Сообщение #2
Hello , I would like to know the total stat value of my Planets/Objects
Can you please add the stat value of the infrastructure, perhaps somewhere this feature alreadly exists and i have not seen it

For example here , if the word is too long it can be shorted to "Infra:"

Or perhaps here, at least somewhere there should be someting about the stat value of the object

Сообщение #1
I have this for a long time, It's as she wrote , station runs out of fuel , cannon changes direction ,Probably a visual bug.

It's like this all the time, Run out of fuel, transport gas to the station , go to the station, cannon view , the cannon is not visually aiming at the planet/object , infact the opposite direction.
From here, if you go to the overview, the view then resets to original position/view