Сообщения пользователя: Marsman

Тема: Нерф плетей | 24 Июля 2024 04:50:01
Сообщение #19

I got nothing to say, just put it here for fun 😂

I remember at that time, some members complained "and now he will nerf them((("
Тема: Новые идеи для внедрения в игру | 29 Ноября 2023 18:30:48
Сообщение #18
Rename the project, YuriCraft , so it seems to me 50% his anyways 🤷‍♂️
Тема: Новая видимость | 2 Октября 2023 04:02:02
Сообщение #17
Цитата: goldroodger
It's possible to complete
Very cryptic, requires a lot of brain power
I've thrown three stations at it so far, perhaps I'll have another look there 🤔
Тема: Ship Components | 29 Сентября 2023 18:38:16
Сообщение #16
It's relatively new, there are blueprints you can find from the expedition, on them is a list of items that are needed to construct the module on said blueprint.
Тема: Кружок Экспо-задротов | 28 Сентября 2023 08:34:37
Сообщение #15

1 джаггернаут, 1 научный корабль
Первый - 2 часа
Второй - 1 час
кто-нибудь подскажет, можно ли их найти с предметов, или только с планеты, кирка, палка-копалка, Воздушок
Тема: Опять про отр | 13 Сентября 2023 03:01:39
Сообщение #14
Two innovations, fog of war with its rules of visibility, and stealth, before this there was no real motivation.

And now everyone wants stealth

Nika always said, death to small)))))
Тема: Новая видимость | 8 Сентября 2023 11:21:35
Сообщение #13
ewww yuck, whats that smell? the recipe stinks!)

im 4 years in the game, between 3 accounts, destroyed 3 objects, lost one gate, and two OPS

How many asteroids and moons are requied to turn it into recipe dust, rejoice))))
Pfft, you have the gall to ask for some kind of discount? Disappointed that you have to pay the same as everyone else 🤷‍♂️

Half your ideas have been introduced instantly and analy, turning the game more sour each time.
Тема: Pirate resown very low | 12 Апреля 2023 06:33:43
Сообщение #11
Цитата: UncleanOne
We're okay with using fleet to steal resources from objects, but we don't like fleets themselves being just piñatas for someone to break

Counterintuitive that you have a competition just for this
Тема: Реликтовые офицеры в экспедиции | 21 Марта 2023 12:19:50
Сообщение #10
well the balance used to be that terran had gates, but we know what happend there
what you want can already be on OPS, and with more fields than a moon

be patient, apparently they are developing modules or something, who knows when we will see it though)
Тема: Announcement: making comet catching more difficult | 7 Марта 2023 00:37:37
Сообщение #9
Hello welcome to xcraft, the administration thanks you for your donation, it's advertised as a free to play game after all xD

On the Russian part of the forum the administration wrote that this was his vision with the development of comets before its introduction

BTW the current plot is Episode 5: Era of decline
Сообщение #8
I want it, and I want it for free!
Perverting the game for his own benefit?
A freebie was already given (weapon tech)
Could ask for the addition of experimental research, and that's about it.
Тема: What to do with comets? | 9 Августа 2022 22:40:10
Сообщение #7

Тема: black hole web | 8 Августа 2022 03:26:30
Сообщение #6
A game function like this already exists, called wormholes

And in a way, blackholes also exists, the entire system of planets disappears along with the sun)
Тема: What to do with comets? | 3 Августа 2022 13:23:11
Сообщение #5
Free flight option for the fleet , I only know it works with a single unit with defense order at high orbit , i have not tried/tested any other method , grouped units multiple fleets etc
there is also no option to write coordinates in free flight
I think there is a bug with visiblity though
I sent a unit to high orbit and the comet i was able to find the fleet harvesting it and my cargo ship defending it
This is the outcome

Тема: What to do with comets? | 2 Августа 2022 22:23:49
Сообщение #4
Recycling order does not give you free flight
Тема: What to do with comets? | 2 Августа 2022 00:58:52
Сообщение #3
Send the collectors to orbit , defense or recycling with no return order
From there look in the fleets (green/orange/red numbers) there should be an icon , click this and it will take you to 3D flight ,click on the 3D fleet , then look in the box to lower right, there should be an option to write those coordinates
Тема: Planet/Object stat value | 4 Июля 2022 08:30:31
Сообщение #2
Hello , I would like to know the total stat value of my Planets/Objects
Can you please add the stat value of the infrastructure, perhaps somewhere this feature alreadly exists and i have not seen it

For example here , if the word is too long it can be shorted to "Infra:"

Or perhaps here, at least somewhere there should be someting about the stat value of the object

Сообщение #1
I have this for a long time, It's as she wrote , station runs out of fuel , cannon changes direction ,Probably a visual bug.

It's like this all the time, Run out of fuel, transport gas to the station , go to the station, cannon view , the cannon is not visually aiming at the planet/object , infact the opposite direction.
From here, if you go to the overview, the view then resets to original position/view