20% of the cost of a fleet lost in battle in metal and minerals falls into debris that fly in the orbit of the planet and can be collected by units: Recycler, Provider, Warp Prism, Juggernaut, Gigalord , sent with the order Recycling.
In large battles on planets a part of the debris can merge to form the moon: every 250 000 of debris give a 1% chance of a moon with a maximum of 25%. The diameter of the moon will be between 100 + (% chance * 20) up to 200 + (% chance * 25). If there are other moons or moon-built objects on the coordinates, then the new moon may collide a random one of the available with a chance equal to 100 - [square of the number of available moons]%. In a satellites collision, the moon with a weaker Structure will be destroyed, and the Structure of the other moon participating in the collision decreases by the size of the structure of the destroyed moon.
In case of the destruction of the object debris is formed according to the rules described in section Destruction.
In large battles on planets a part of the debris can merge to form the moon: every 250 000 of debris give a 1% chance of a moon with a maximum of 25%. The diameter of the moon will be between 100 + (% chance * 20) up to 200 + (% chance * 25). If there are other moons or moon-built objects on the coordinates, then the new moon may collide a random one of the available with a chance equal to 100 - [square of the number of available moons]%. In a satellites collision, the moon with a weaker Structure will be destroyed, and the Structure of the other moon participating in the collision decreases by the size of the structure of the destroyed moon.
In case of the destruction of the object debris is formed according to the rules described in section Destruction.